Tuesday, January 03, 2012

The Anxiety of Waiting

Luke 12:26 If even the smallest things are beyond your control, why are you anxious about the rest?

As we slip into the new year, I find my anxiety and frustration increasing. Still waiting on the SC Medical Board to issue me a license to practice medicine here. Still commuting 7 hours to work at a job I resigned from 6 months ago. Awaiting word from the bank whether or not we qualify for a mortgage. I used to be really good at letting anxiety run off my back like water off a newly waxed car, but find that the more time passes, the more worked up I become.

I had even hoped to volunteer some at the local Church, but it has taken me several months to fill out the applications, get the necessary background checks and take the mandatory course on recognizing child abuse that I have pretty much missed out on assisting with the youth group or faith formation. Money is tighter than normal as I am maintaining several addresses and working only about 2/3 of the shifts I used to cover. And the price of gasoline for the long commute is emptying my wallet.

So I return to Luke 12:26 and know that in the end it will all work out. All of this waiting has me examining my pride, one of the deadly sins, which perhaps is the purpose for the delay. I have always known that this opportunity required me to decrease so my wife could increase (to paraphrase John the Baptist). I just haven't gotten used to it yet.