Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Out with the Old, In with the New

Well today was pretty much the last day I formally acted in my role as Medical Director of the Emergency Room. Last teleconference behind me, only one more meeting later today. I work one more shift in my nominal role as ED physician, then hit the road.

I never really got into the role as director. I've always considered myself more of a worker bee. And don't administrators love meetings. How much more productive could this country be if they just put a cap on meetings. Overall, I was able to push through a few favorite initiatives and tried to act as an advocate for those under my directorship, but found that as the number of meetings increased, my enthusiasm for starting new initiatives decreased.

So farewell to all of this, in a month I return to my worker bee status. And the next time someone offers an administration position to me, I'll offer the excuse that I'm allergic to meetings and to give it to someone who needs the ego boost more than me.

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