Friday, August 12, 2011

Pretty much another wasted day

I spent a good part of today at the SC DMV
office trying to get my cars registered before the 45 day grace period ends. This is my third visit to the DMV. On the first visit I was able to get a driver's license. On my second visit I was told all of the additonal materials I would need to register my vehicles (that were not clearly listed on the web site). Today another nearly four hours and only got two of our four vehicles registered.
On the one vehicle registered in my wife's name, since she hasn't gotten a SC driver's license yet they had another address in the computer. The attendant asked if she lived at a different address than I did and I responded not unless she moved after going to work this morning. I then asked what address they had for her and I was told they couldn't tell me. I guess I look like a stalker especially given that I had already paid about $300 in property tax for her vehicle earlier in the day. Eventually after I gave enough information about our former SC addresses, she admitted it was a Columbia address from 15 years ago. So my wife's car cannot be registered until either she gets a SC driver's license or files a change of address form. On the second vehicle I was told I needed a bill of sale to show that the vehicle was purchased new and not used. Odd they didn't ask for that for the other vehicles which were also purchased new, but I didn't bring up the discrepancy.

Some people are calling for an increase in government in our lives. If the DMV is any measure of government efficiency, I would vote no. At one point the lines were getting so long and the waits even longer that I could feel tension building within the crowd and wanted to yell out, "doesn't this double-wide have a occupant capacity that we have obviously exceeded. One woman went to the counter and said, "I've been waiting over an hour," to which another man said, "sit down, I've been here almost two."

So I guess I need to find a bill of sale. You know I'm almost getting to the point of being afraid to throw anything away as just as soon as I do, someone wants to see it for one reason or another. It's like getting official approval for being a hoarder.

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